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Interested parties wishing to view Alamo 大学 Trustee district maps can do so by visiting the Alamo 大学 Office of Legal Affairs at 2222 N. 阿拉莫圣. between the hours of 9 - 11 a.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Copies of the individual trustee district maps will be made available on the Alamo 大学 website as soon as the Bexar县 Election Precincts are finalized by the County.

Alamo 大学 contracts with Bexar县 to conduct the trustee elections and the election precincts utilized by the County for the 2022 elections are still undergoing some adjustments related to the ongoing litigation on Texas State and Congressional redistricting. For more information, please contact Ms. Pat Meurin at 210-485-0060 or Denise Wilson at 210-485-0032.

Board of Trustee 区s (PDF) 

Bexar县 Community Dashboard